Saturday, December 28, 2013

And I'm Back!

Today I'm going to back to Sorlandet as Cook's Mate.  Jess, who was the cook in the summer will be cook again and we are both feeling like we'll have some good times on this next sail which will take us around the Caribbean and over to Europe.  We start in Barbados, have a week's alumni sail here and there and then return to Barbados to pick up the students for their second semester at sea.  The summer program was run differently - there were trainees and volunteers who made up the bulk of the crew, this time around it will be high school/university students who will be balancing a full course load as well as sail training, watch duty and all the rest. The benefit of joining the ship for second semester is that the students will be well versed in the ways of the galley!

So what do you pack for four and half months at sea?  Well, a bit of everything and a lot of underwear!  I've got everything from tank tops and shorts to woolen long underwear (Atlantic crossing, cleaning the walk-in) to jeans to shirts with ships on them to dresses to pyjamas to bathing suit.  Yup, I feel pretty prepared for anything (including lack of laundry availability for long stretches of time).  How much space does this take up you may ask?  Well I've got it down to a duffel bag, a backpack (normal sized, not "this bag carries my life" size) and a small purse.  

How is my job this time different from the summer you may ask.  Well, in the summer I was a deckhand so I spent most of my working time on deck, standing watch and helping with the sailing of the ship.  This time all my work hours will be spent in the galley (or one of the many areas the galley crew are in charge of) and time on deck is going to have to happen during my "off time".  Other changes?  This time I'm pro crew so I'll sleep in a cabin, not the banjer.  This time I'm a dayman, meaning I don't have to get up in the middle of the night (but also no mid-morning naps).  This time I'll get a small wage for the 70 hour work weeks.

I hope to be checking in here pretty often but it will depend on the availability of wifi in ports.  Comments and e-mails are always welcome!

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