Other than our Atlantic crossing this will be the longest
sail of the semester, 11 days at sea. I
have to admit the first half felt really long but once we crossed the half way
point and I felt we were in the “home stretch” with the end in sight. I’m also feeling a lot more confident in my
ability to handle an Atlantic crossing/three weeks at sea after handling 11
Before we left the crew predicted it would be a rough
passage based on the expected wind and sea state. It turned out to be not as bad as expected. I
was happy each morning I woke up to less motion then expected which turned out
to be most of them! We had two time
changes during this sail, each time we lost an hour of sleep.
There’s definitely a rhythm you find when you’re at sea for
longer then a few days at a time. I
guess it’s settling into a routine but there are variations as well. The Downton Abbey club got running again and
had two “meetings” (i.e. we got together to watch an episode), the first
TV/movie I’ve watched since I got here!
This will sound strange but I also had the first chance to
really hang out with my cabin mate, Anna Marie.
She’s one of the teachers and our schedules are different so sometimes
it’s not till we’re climbing into bed that we really see each other. It was nice to get to know her better and we
plan to be more social in the future!
I stood a night watch from 0400-0600, that was (part of) my
watch in the summer and I love it. You
get up and see the stars and then the sunrise and it’s really like watching the
ship come awake, hopefully I find the time and energy to do that again! In another effort to be more sailor-y I went
up in the rigging one calm afternoon and spend some time hanging out watching
the water and the sky. I went right up
to the royal (top sail) - I’d forgotten how unstable the shrouds up near the
top feel but I’m glad I continued and made it up, it’s definitely a sense of

Another morning my cabin mate, Anna-Marie and I got up at
4:30 to look at the stars. We are far
enough south we could see the southern cross but also the big dipper! There were a few planets visible and other
constellations like scorpio and orion.
It’s sure handy having sailors nearby as they are pretty good at knowing
at least some of the stars (as well as lots of other things. I’ve come to the
conclusion that sailors are very much like farmers, hard workers with lots of
practical knowledge about many things). After a quick star gaze we went back to
bed to sleep for a while longer before our days had to start.

We motored the whole way with a bit of sail set for
stability and extra speed but it was slow going at first, many days of doing 3
knots as we headed right into the wind.
About half way through it looked like we’d be arriving late but things
picked up and we ended up arriving in port on schedule. There was excitement in the air as we spotted
land and got closer and closer to our destination. I think more so seeing as it came after a
long sail. All the kids were excited to
get off and get sugar (ice cream, chocolate, candy) and I think everyone was
happy at the prospect of spending some time away from our home away from home
(however nice it is a break is always appreciated).

For those who think I’m just sailing around to various
amazing tropical locations let me mention that this sail I had to deal with
more-then-week-old food waste with maggots. Thank goodness for farm boys who
are used to nasty smells (apparently rotting grain smells worse) and aren’t
afraid of work. Between one of the
students and I we got the garbage debagged and overboard while some of the more
squeamish students made a hasty retreat.
The DR is a mail port so on arrival day big bags of mail
showed up for the crew, yay! As someone who loves getting mail, a month and a
half is a long time to go without getting anything so I was very excited to
have a little package waiting for me. hint,
hint: another mail port is coming up in Bermuda, we arrive March 19, the
address is:
Laura Fung
SS Sorlandet/Class Afloat
c/o Bermuda Ship Agencies Ltd
27 Woodlands Rd
Hamilton HM 09